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5 min read

Proven ways for Reducing Billing Errors : Time clocking benefits

5 min readBilling errors are an unfortunate reality for many companies, who pay out millions in unnecessary fees each year. It takes time to track, calculate and record the right amount of data for payroll or client bills. It makes sense that mistakes can happen. More often than not, these payroll mistakes mean lost revenue for your […]

4 min read

QR Code Tracking: Make Task Monitoring More Efficient

4 min readQR Codes are ubiquitous today. They are being used in a wide array of applications. From being used in the pharmaceutical industry to prevent counterfeit drugs, the banking sector to avoid the wastage of paper from POS machines, goods, and services marketing, and eventually to monitor employees and staff schedules, QR Codes have been a […]

5 min read

5 Ways Time Tracking Can Help You Find Work Life Balance

5 min readToday, more and more people are drawn to activities that have been proven to guarantee them a better quality of life. To achieve this, they’re looking at business practices that guarantee work-life balance, creating less time-draining workplaces. But maintaining a work-life balance is one of the biggest challenges in the industry. Work-life balance has been […]

5 min read

5 Benefits Of An Integrated Time Card Calculator With Payroll

5 min readTime card calculator and payroll processes are often overlooked or seen as last-minute tasks. However, they can impact your business significantly and save you time if implemented strategically. According to reports, companies spend 16 days per year (on average) looking for documents on paper. Another study in 2020 showed that 11% of organizations reported having […]

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6 min read

5 Tips to Keep Track of Expenses Accurately Using an Expense Management Software

6 min readIntroduction If you’re running a business, then you know that tracking expenses are a key part of keeping track of your finances. But how do you go about doing this? It can be easy to get overwhelmed by the task of tracking every penny spent on your company’s activities. However, an expense management software can […]

6 min read

5 Tips on How To Improve Employee Scheduling Efficiency

6 min readAs a business owner, it is crucial that you schedule your employees effectively. Proper employee scheduling allows you to better manage day-to-day operations, and inform employees of their locations and job schedules.  According to a  survey conducted by Living Wage Foundation, 62% of employees said they were given less than a week’s notice for their […]

5 min read

Construction App for Time Tracking: Best Practices

5 min readThe construction industry is the center of activity in most countries. Every year, many new buildings are built, roads and other types of engineering structures are improved, and new machines and technologies are invented. A significant trend has been the adoption of a construction app for management of employees. The field of construction has become […]

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5 min read

Importance of Calculating Billable Hours & How to Do It?

5 min readPayroll is one of the most important aspects of running a successful business. It’s difficult to stay afloat when you don’t know where your money is going, and what steps you need to take to stay in the black. That’s why tracking your employees’ billable hours and calculating their net pay is so important. Calculating […]


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