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What Are The Benefits of Field Staff Location Tracking App?

6 min read

Do you find managing your field employee easy? Are you often worried that they are utilizing their time effectively? A lot of such questions arise when you have employees working on different job sites. For a field service business, a location tracking app is of paramount importance to streamline operations.

Tracking employee location is often miscalculated as micromanagement or keeping a close eye on your employees. But it is much beyond verifying the employee’s presence at the job site, the objective may vary from employee safety to efficient job scheduling. 

Though the industry is moving forward with technological advancement, most employees are still not quite comfortable with the idea of location tracking. This issue is faced when companies fail to introduce the why and how of this tracking. Before implementing the location tracking app, the first step is to introduce the idea to the employees and make them understand its importance. 

When you are handling field staff, location tracking is one of the most important tools that a company can use. It will allow you to streamline your field operations more effectively ensuring field employees’ safety and higher customer satisfaction.

By now you must know what field employee location tracking app does. From giving insights on real-time location to time spent on a particular task, it helps in various ways. 

Even with no such location tracking app in place, companies are keeping a track of their field employees manually by pen and paper or spreadsheets. Now, imagine you have more than 50 employees working on different job sites, the manual process seems long and tiring. 

As the manual process of tracking employees’ presence or task completion is tedious and time-consuming, companies like allGeo can help to automate field service operations- from location tracking to job scheduling. 

Imagine if you could retrace your employees’ steps in a day, week, or month and easily analyze what they were doing. With access to such data insights, you could mentor them on how to improve their work process and how to increase efficiency. That is what field employee tracking apps do for you. 

When an employee starts the day, the app can notify or remind you of priority tasks, and not only that, it can help you with easy task allocation based on their location. 

If you want to manage your workforce, it’s critical to understand where workers are, how well they have been doing their job, what the next task is, and whether they are safe.

With field employee location tracking app, you can determine the efficiency of employees’ work as well as improve workforce productivity and engagement. In this blog, we will introduce the benefits of the software.

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Benefits of Location Tracking App

  1. Automate time and attendance

Most companies rely on a manual recording of employees’ time and attendance. The time consulting and error prone nature of this approach simply cannot keep up when it comes to managing field employees.

It will be days of work when it comes to gathering all the time and attendance during the pay week. The manual work gets more and more complicated with high chances of errors. Also, there is no way to know whether the employee was present at the job site.

Wondering how location tracking app can help in this? If you implement a GPS time tracking system, it will capture the employees’ time and location when they start/end the day. Furthermore, you will have the entire data stored in one centralized dashboard. 

Solving the issue of verification and manual attendance recording, this software will help you manage your field employees and operations with higher productivity. Furthermore, you can implement a geofence time clock system that will automate employees’ clock in clock out based on the defined job area.

  1. Employee Performance Monitoring

You can’t afford to overlook the performance of your employees. You need to make sure that they are working diligently and on time, providing their best quality service to customers. In addition to customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction directly affects how much new business you get.

If your employee is not performing, they’re not going to finish their tasks on time. This can cause a loss in revenue and customer dissatisfaction. Your employees have a direct impact on the fulfillment of your customer’s needs, so they must be doing their jobs properly. 

This is where location tracking app comes into play.

A location tracking app allows you to keep track of the amount of time each employee spends at a specific project site and track how much time they spend on average during each day. 

Knowing when an employee starts/ends the task and real-time location can help managers figure out what causes poor performance, which will enable them in improving efficiency at their workplace. 

Further, this information can be used to generate reports, which will allow you to get a better understanding of how your employees interact with tasks and how efficiently they are using their resources.

  1. Field employee Safety

Most field employees work at the site which is not entirely safe. For instance, a technician working at the lighthouse or a construction worker at the site. Location tracking is not merely about keeping a tab on employees’ whereabouts, it is also to know that they are safe. 

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Field employee safety is one of the primary benefits of field staff location tracking app. By knowing the precise location of your employees at all times, you can ensure that they are safe and accounted for in the event of an emergency. In addition, you can use field staff location tracking app to monitor employee productivity, and ensure that they are adhering to safety protocols while on the job.

With a customized software solution, you can receive real-time alerts if an employee strays outside of a defined safe area, or if there is an incident or accident at their location. This allows you to respond quickly to address the situation at hand.

  1. Automate Job Scheduling

You have a team of field employees at your disposal. They do the job of your company daily. The problems arise when you need to allocate tasks among them and make certain that they can focus on their tasks. 

With no proper planning, they don’t get the priority they deserve. This leads to tension in the workplace and it also makes things more complicated for managers who have no idea how to assign tasks online.

Most companies follow a manual process of using spreadsheets, emails, etc to allocate daily or weekly tasks. The process doesn’t seem complicated or incompetent until you have urgent customer requests or a large group of field employees out there.

According to a report by Verizon Connect, 25% of FSOs were using spreadsheets for job scheduling and others were using whiteboards and other manual methods.

But how can location insights will help in effective job scheduling? You can leverage location-tracking software to allocate tasks without leading to employee burnout. With allGeo for example, you can automate your job scheduling which will allocate the task to field workers based on their availability, location, and skill set. 

Automate Job Scheduling can help save time and energy so you can stay focused on important things like growing your business and expanding your customer base. 

There are many benefits to automating job scheduling for field staff, including 

Increased Efficiency: Automating job scheduling can help to increase efficiency by reducing the need for manual scheduling and coordination. This can lead to less wasted time and effort and can help to ensure that jobs are completed more quickly and efficiently.

Improved Customer Service: Automating job scheduling can help to improve customer service by ensuring that appointments are properly coordinated and that customers do not have to wait unnecessarily for service. This can lead to happier customers and improved customer retention.

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Reduced Costs: Automating job scheduling can help to reduce costs by eliminating the need for manual scheduling and coordination. This can lead to lower labor costs and can help businesses save money on operational expenses.

Improved accuracy: Automating job scheduling can help to improve accuracy by ensuring that jobs are scheduled according to specific criteria (e.g., skills, availability, location). 

Enhanced communication: Automating job scheduling can help to enhance communication by automatically sending notifications and updates to field staff. 

  1. Better coordination and follow-up

Field staff location tracking app can help organizations coordinate and follow up with field staff. By tracking the location of field staff in real-time, organizations can more effectively dispatch resources and personnel to where they are needed most. 

Additionally, this information can be used to provide better customer service by ensuring that field staff are aware of customer needs and can respond quickly to inquiries. Finally, this data can also help improve safety by allowing managers to see where field staff are and ensure that they are not in danger.

For example, if one of your team members is having trouble with a client, you can easily reach them and fix the problem – without fussing about sending email chains. 

However, the main purpose behind selecting this type of aid is to make sure there’s full transparency and accurate information flow within the organization. Whether it be because of a workflow report or simply following up on any unfavorable situations that may have arisen, the program can go a long way in achieving this task.


Field staff location tracking app is a great tool for businesses to have to optimize their operations. With the ability to monitor employee locations, companies can ensure that they are providing the best possible service. 

It also provides businesses with data insights that can help them make better decisions about their field operations and personnel. This software will also allow you to improve safety and increase efficiency by reducing travel time and making sure that all employees are where they need to be at any given time. 

By taking advantage of these benefits, businesses can save both money and resources while ensuring their field staff is always on track with their tasks. With so much to gain from implementing this type of system and technology advancing each day, it’s worth considering incorporating field staff location tracking app into your business operations.

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