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Workflow Automation App: Migrating Smoothly to a Fully Mobile Workforce Model

Two hands using the tablet version of a workforce management app with graphs and other related statistics
2 min read

If your company’s business requires that you have mobile workers out of the office serving customer and company needs, there’s a range of app-based and cloud-based workforce management software to help them be more productive during their workday. But it’s also more than likely that their managers are also mobile and on the road – and there we have a different story, with few tools aimed at helping field managers stay on top of things.

It’s pretty common that the apps and services that let you locate, message and manage your field teams only let you do so from your desktop or laptop, which doesn’t help your field managers that much.

allGeo solves this through a combination of cloud-based field workforce management software for a true mobile management solution. This approach provides the benefits of both worlds.

For mobile workers: A workforce management software

  • Tamper-proof: there’s no installed app for an employee to tamper with
  • Lower OPEX: no app means no more app deployment and training headaches
  • Any phone: works on over any phone on any wireless carrier
  • BYOD: lets you use a worker’s own phone for lower cost and provisioning overhead
  • Time Clocking: Use simple text messaging for time clocking and location validation
  • All Web: Complete scheduling, enterprise messaging, jobsite geozones, alerts, and reports: All managed via the web portal. No setup/interaction required on the workers’ phone

For mobile managers (who are themselves in the field and need mobile tools): A mobile management app

See also  Beware the Free Workforce Automation App: You’ll Get What You Pay For

So when you’re looking for a workforce management software, make sure to see what tools your managers get access to as part of the service. They should not have to run into a café and log-into the web from their mac or PC to visualize their field team’s activities.

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