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Improving Operations Efficiency with Freight Broker Software

2 min read

John Huggins, Vice President of Sales at FX Logistics says that freight broker software makes his organization’s communication with drivers much more efficient as it reduces the routine calls to the trucks by almost half, and that alone enables their traffic personnel to concentrate on potential exceptions before they become exceptions.

Freight brokers spend a significant amount of time communicating with drivers via check calls. A major benefit of using freight broker software for load tracking is the amount of communication it eliminates freeing up their organization to address other pressing challenges such as assigning & monitoring field activities in real-time, checking if load deliveries are being completed as expected and maximizing field operations efficiency.

John Huggins goes on to say that freight broker software enables FX Logistics to comply with their USPS contract location requirements simply by using the driver’s phone without needing expensive in-cab equipment. USPS requirements stipulate that the solution must be capable of generating compliant steam of data that is automatically transmitted to USPS web services. The GPS location of the vehicle must be reported every 30 minutes or less to the postal service in addition to other specific information such as supplier name, origin and destination address and so forth.

Using powerful freight broker software, constant communication with drivers is not necessary anymore. Brokers can see on a map where all their drivers and loads are in real-time and focus on making sure that they are being delivered on time and take action on issues that come up in the field.

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allGeo is a cloud-hosted, carrier grade location and messaging platform that helps SMB and Enterprise businesses better manage their mobile employees by improving productivity and accountability, while reducing payroll and operations costs with solutions such as GPS tracking & time clock, Lone worker safety, Automation of field activity monitoring, Mobile forms & data collection including signature, notes, pictures, barcode/QR code, etc. The allGeo platform enables these solutions across a wide range of industries such as field service management, trade services, emergency responders, sales reps, transportation & logistics and home health care providers.

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