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Construction App for Time Tracking: Best Practices

5 min read

The construction industry is the center of activity in most countries. Every year, many new buildings are built, roads and other types of engineering structures are improved, and new machines and technologies are invented. A significant trend has been the adoption of a construction app for management of employees.

The field of construction has become a real boom with almost no confirmed master plans to actively develop it. This makes the process of deciding on changes more complicated and expensive since every change has to be planned meticulously — after all, every change will cost more money!

Time tracking is one of the most efficient tools for building accountability and training in a construction company. It helps you keep track of time your employees spend on various projects and allows you to monitor progress appropriately.

If you are managing multiple projects at once, it can be difficult to keep track of all the different tasks on each one. Only a construction employee scheduling software may not be enough.

A time tracking app makes it easy for you to see how much time has been spent on each task and what percentage of the overall project has been completed so far (or not). 

This allows you to make informed decisions about where resources should be allocated during future phases of work or future projects. This will ensure you meet deadlines while minimizing costs associated with hiring extra staff members or equipment suppliers.

But what are the best practices for construction app time tracking? And how do you choose which construction app will meet your needs? In this article we’ll discuss these topics along with best practices for effective construction employee time tracking.

How to do Time Tracking Effectively With a Construction App?

Time tracking is an important part of any construction project. It helps you keep track of your employees time, ensures that you are paying them properly, and prevents misunderstandings within field teams.

There are many construction app available to help you do this effectively, but we’ve found that some of them are more effective than others. Here are some tips for how to track time effectively on a construction project.

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Importance of Time Tracking in Construction Project Management

Time tracking is an effective way to optimize project performance and avoid scheduling delays. A well-organized time tracking program helps you manage the budget, schedule, and manpower requirements by identifying problem areas and making improvements. Here are some benefits of time tracking in construction project management:

  • Cost control: Through accurate timesheets, you can ensure that work is done on time at an efficient rate. This will help reduce costs because there will be less overtime or unplanned work during a period of high demand.
  • Better productivity: The most common complaint among employers is a lack of motivation or efficiency to meet deadlines. By using an automation app, you can monitor employee performance objectively. This means there won’t be any issues with underperformance due lack of interest/motivation from workers.

Best Practices for Time Tracking with Construction App

Automate time tracking software

It’s important to create a company culture that promotes productivity and boosts the quality of work. If you have an effective time tracking tool, it will be easy for your employees to report their time properly. 

Introducing GPS time tracking software will ensure easy clock in clock out with a real-time location. This will help managers to keep track of their employees’ productivity in real-time, and manage projects more effectively.

Use employee time clocks 

Many companies use handheld devices called “clocks” that allow them to punch in at specific times during their shifts. Such employee time clocks help them to track their progress throughout the day and receive notifications when they’re finished working on certain tasks or projects, etc. This makes it easy for supervisors/managers who oversee multiple field workers at once. 

Whether you are using a digital clock in an office environment or as an electronic device for your employees, it’s vital to keep track of the time they spend at work. There are many advantages to using employee time clocks to track employees’ shifts. 

In many cases, the lack of a time clock can harm the productivity of your employees. 

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For instance, employees may feel pressure to stay overtime simply because they don’t have enough hours for their shifts. Alternatively, if an employee doesn’t punch in once his or her shift has ended, then he or she isn’t paid for that time period. 

Educate team members on how to use the time tracker

To make sure your team members understand how the time tracker works, explain it in simple terms. Explain why it is important for them to track their time, and how it will help them improve their performance.

Make sure they know what types of reports are available through the tool and which ones they should use most frequently. If your company has a separate payroll system or if you don’t have a dedicated HR department yet, this information will be helpful for them too.

Motivate employees to track time regularly

As a construction company, time tracking should be practiced regularly so that it can be used to evaluate their productivity. By encouraging everyone to track their hours regularly, you can ensure that every project is completed on time and issued on time. That will save you a lot of money and help you meet client deadlines throughout the year.

Analyze performance data 

When you’re using data to improve processes, it’s important to be able to identify problems. This will help ensure that your time tracking system is working as it should and can help you make more informed decisions.

In addition, analyzing performance data can give you valuable insight into how well particular tasks are being performed by employees on a day-to-day basis. 

For example, if many hours were spent on non-project work but little progress was made on a key construction project—you may need additional resources on staff or even hire additional freelancer workers with required skill sets.

Record working hours accurately

A lot of businesses are finding it difficult to track their employees’ work hours. Because of this, they end up making the wrong decisions and end up paying too much money for their mistakes. 

The best option to prevent all these problems is to take the help of time tracking software or apps that can replace manual time recording. It not only helps you maintain records but also gives you accurate data feedback so that you can improve your business as well as increase its efficiency level.

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The Best Construction App and Software for Time Tracking  

Construction time tracking is one of the most important things to do when you’re building a new building or remodelling an existing one. It helps to ensure that every aspect of your project runs smoothly, including paying contractors on time and keeping track of how much money you spend. 

Many different types of apps can help you track your employees’ hours and expenses, but we recommend using one that integrates with your payroll and accounting systems so you can keep track of costs by project/location and also pay your employees accurately. 

Construction app for time tracking software is not only essential to ensure employees’ compliance with safety regulations, but also an accurate way to handle project billing and timely reporting. The sooner you start taking charge of your time reporting, the better. 

With allGeo, you no longer have to rely on cumbersome and unreliable spreadsheets (or worse, handwritten notes) when tracking hours at a job site. It allows you to track employee hours, overtime, shift changes, and compliance with safety protocols with the convenience of a touch screen.


To sum up, it is true that time tracking without a construction app can be quite a challenge. This article has described why you need to track your construction hours and how to implement a time tracking system that can meet your requirements.

Adopting an employee time tracking app will ensure that you are optimally using resources in order to minimize costs and boost productivity. Your construction projects will be managed efficiently and accurately with improved profit margins. With additional benefits like GPS tracking, mileage tracking etc., you can stay ahead of the competition significantly.

If you are able to put these suggestions into practice, you will have a successful time tracking workflow in place in no time at all.

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