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2 min read

What Are New York EVV Requirements?

2 min readElectronic Visit Verification (EVV) has become a cornerstone of healthcare practices, guided by the 21st Century Cures Act passed in 2016. A crucial element of this legislation is the implementation of EVV by Medicaid personnel and home health care providers by January 1, 2019. Failure to meet this deadline could result in reduced Federal medical […]

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4 min read

Texas EVV Requirements

4 min readThe 21st Century Cures Act, passed in December of 2016, encouraged reform and supplementation in multiple aspects of health-care practices. One component of this act is the need for all Medicaid personal and home health-care providers to implement Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) by January 1, 2019. Failure to meet this deadline will result in a […]

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3 min read

Louisiana EVV Requirements: What do they Mean for Healthcare Providers?

3 min readElectronic Visit Verification (EVV) has become a critical component of healthcare practices, spurred by the 21st Century Cures Act passed in 2016. One key aspect of this legislation mandates that all Medicaid personal and home health care providers adopt EVV systems by January 1, 2019, to accurately document and verify service details.  Failure to meet […]

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2 min read

Ohio EVV Requirements: What Do They Mean for Healthcare Providers?

2 min readWhat is Electronic Visit Verification? The 21st Century Cures Act, passed in December of 2016, encouraged reform and supplementation in multiple aspects of healthcare practices. One component of this act is the need for all Medicaid personal and home health care providers to implement Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) by 2019. The Federal EVV mandate requires […]

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6 min read

Mobile Forms: Collect Customized Field Data With a Mobile App

6 min readAs businesses and organizations continue to rely on data to drive decision-making, field data collection has become increasingly important. In the past, collecting data in the field often meant manually recording information on paper and then transcribing it into a computer later. As the use of  field service app has risen, inspection data collection has […]

5 min read

Using a Mobile App To Combat Heat Illness And Ensure Outdoor Workers Safety

5 min readIn the peak of the hot summer season, the Occupational Safety and Health Organization (OSHA) is reminding affected businesses and their employees of their continuing campaign to combat heat illness for outdoor workers safety. In educating employers on the guidelines in place, employees experience a lesser chance of suffering from harsh outdoor work environments. The […]

3 min read

Simplifying OSHA Compliance For Field Workers

3 min readDo your field technicians use safety gear? Look beyond the basics like hard hats and orange vests. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) encompasses various items such as gloves, eye protection, ear protection, sturdy boots, and respiratory masks. According to OSHA compliance regulations, employers are legally obligated to furnish this equipment to their employees, provide training on […]

3 min read

Employee GPS Tracking Laws: Ensuring Accountability & Respecting Privacy

3 min read                       Over the last decade, evolving methods of GPS tracking technology and location-based services (LBS) have increasingly allowed businesses and employers to use Global Positioning System (GPS) technologies to track their field employees. When GPS tracking was first incorporated into business operations, physical hardware (a […]

6 min read

Lone Worker Safety App: How Advancing Mobile Technologies Can Enhance Worker Safety

6 min readAs our world continues to evolve, the nature of work is also undergoing a profound transformation. Amidst these changes, the safety and well-being of lone workers have emerged as crucial considerations for organizations across industries. The concept of adopting a lone worker safety app goes beyond mere compliance with regulations; it is a matter of […]

5 min read

Electronic Visit Verification App for Home Care business – What to look for?

5 min readAs the home care industry continues to grow, so does the need for efficient and accurate Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) systems. The EVV system has become a crucial tool for home care providers, enabling them to monitor and verify the services provided to Medicaid beneficiaries accurately.  There is increasing pressure to prevent fraud and states […]

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