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Why are we allGeo?

3 min read

Why are we allGeo?

We are proud to announce the re-branding of our platform –  ‘myGeoTracking’ is now ‘allGeo.’

In the past few years, we have grown rapidly to over fifty-thousand users!  We have also evolved our offering from a point solution for tracking & time clocking to a full-stack platform that offers a wide range of capabilities for field service automation. Today, our customers can fully customize and automate their field service workflows while integrating their field events and data into their back-office software and processes. By fully integrating their field operations with business planning, HR and payroll systems, companies are able to take a big step towards completing the digital transformation of their businesses.  Furthermore, when the cloud-hosted allGeo platform is combined with the computing power & sensors in modern phones, companies are able to achieve significant productivity gains without needing to write a single line of code or invest in special hardware. We call it ‘Low IT, Low code.’

Coming up with a New Name

Having reached this new phase in our company’s development, we felt that this was the right time to give the company a new identity that reflects this transformation. We chose allGeo as our new name, as the word “Geo” is a nod to our past and the prefix “all” denotes the completeness of the platform in addressing many key aspects of the field service workflow for our customers.

A New Logo 

As we thought about how we would go about representing this change in our logo, our first thoughts were on the old logo where the “full circle” could definitely do justice in some way to our new name. But we decided to go a different route. We wanted a new logo that reflected what the brand stood for today and what it will stand for in the future. In order to capture the power of the allGeo platform, we took inspiration from the “infinity” symbol that we felt was a great way to represent where the company is and where it is going.  The logo also symbolizes the learn-deploy-analyze-repeat ethos that most of our customers follow in their daily business.

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We are truly excited about this moment as we look forward to bring more capabilities to customers using our ‘Low IT, Low code’ platform. While our platform allows customers to deploy bespoke workflows to fit their vertical industry needs, we also offer turnkey apps such as Scheduling, WorkOrder Assignment, Time Clock with Geofenced Job sites, Tracking & Monitoring via IFTTT rules, Routing & Mileage, Dispatch Messaging, Electronic Visit Verification, Lone Worker Safety, Field Data Collection via Forms/Pictures/QR and Analytics. This apps + platform synergy ties in nicely under our ‘allGeo’ banner.

Our view of the field service industry 

We believe that the advent of automation will disrupt the field service industry. Historically, when automation sweeps through an industry, the status quo is challenged. Companies that act on this change will survive and thrive while those who do not adapt are at risk. Over time, we have seen this across many industries.

While adopting automation can be challenging and can involve many stakeholders, it can deliver significant rewards. Field service automation has the power to take your business to a new level. Massive improvements in productivity, cost savings and growth can completely change your company’s trajectory. It becomes far easier to analyze field data and understand the nuances of the business.  It will lead to a more seamless integration between disparate software systems, help improve processes and lead to better use of data for intelligence and operational insights. This, in turn, will help companies to focus on their core business – helping their clients succeed. Simply put, it becomes easier to compete and win.

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Our mission

allGeo’s mission is to help field service businesses navigate this journey and help you realize the rewards of automation. allGeo has worked with companies in various field service verticals and helped them in this journey. We bring both our practical know-how of industries like yours and an understanding of modern-day software & hardware to help you deploy automation solutions unique to your field service workflow.

Please write to us at with any feedback and comments.

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