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Can Field Services Benefit From Swing Shift Schedule?

4 min read

In the field services industry, operations can span 24/7 cycles and experience sudden surges in demand during peak seasons. A robust staff support is indispensable for such businesses. This is precisely where a swing shift schedule comes into play.

So, what is a swing shift?

Unlike the traditional 9 AM to 5 PM schedule, swing shifts offer a dynamic approach to resource utilization, shift timings, and the overall working pattern. They enable businesses to operate around the clock without resorting to long-hour shifts and effectively meeting customer demands during peak periods of the day.

Overnight shifts are undertaken by 19% of healthcare support workers. Industries with notably high rates of night work include manufacturing (5.7%) and transportation/utilities (6.3%).

Swing shift not only ensures adequate staffing levels but also mitigates the need for extended work hours, thereby reducing employee stress and burnout. It enables businesses to navigate extended operating hours efficiently while maintaining employee well-being.

In fact, approximately 16% of wage and salary workers in the United States have non-standard schedules that fall outside the typical 9-5 timeframe. These schedules encompass evening, night, rotating, and other shift patterns.

Curious about how swing shifts work and their benefits for businesses with extended hours? Dive into this blog to know all about it.

What is a Swing Shift?

Swing shift schedules offer a flexible bridge between day and night shifts, typically spanning from late afternoon to midnight or even later. This shift pattern is also known as the afternoon or second shift.

Swing shifts vary in start times and duration, with some beginning in the late morning and others extending into the early morning hours. Despite these variations, the shifts generally encompass 8 or more work hours and occur outside the standard business hours.

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For instance, it may require employees to work the following hours-

  • 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on one week, 
  • 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. on a different week — and similar variations in the following weeks.

Businesses prioritizing customer service often choose swing shifts to maintain continuous operations without requiring employees to work long hours. For instance, a home healthcare business having round-the-clock patient care requirements may divide its workforce into multiple shifts to cater to customers consistently.

Here’s an example:

  • The morning shift runs 8 am to 4 pm.
  • The swing shift covers the late afternoon period, from 4 pm to 12 am.
  • The third shift provides coverage from 12 am to 8 am.

Simplifying Swing Shift With a Job Scheduling Software

Swing shifts can be complex to implement. However, the right scheduling software can simplify your operations.

Implementing scheduling software can streamline the management of swing shifts, ensuring seamless operations without the hassle. With real-time tracking and a comprehensive dashboard, managers gain valuable insights into employee hours and performance, facilitating informed decision-making. 

Simplified Scheduling: The intuitive calendar interface allows managers to effortlessly visualize and manipulate shifts, ensuring smooth transitions between day and night shifts.

Seamless Staffing: Automated filling of empty shifts based on real-time attendance updates ensures adequate coverage of swing shifts in case of absenteeism. It considers staff availability and specific requirements which minimizes staffing gaps.

Performance Optimization: Data-driven analytics provide insights into employee performance and the impact of swing shifts. It can highlight bottlenecks, areas of improvement and whether at all swing shift hours are working for your business. 

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Is it Different From Rotational Shift?

Short answer- yes!

Rotating shifts involve employees alternating between different shifts, such as morning, evening, and night, over a specified period, like days, weeks, or months. For instance, a waiter might work 12-hour morning shifts for six weeks, then switch to evening shifts for the next six weeks. 

Meanwhile, swing shifts encompass various shift schedules, including rotating, evening, and day shifts, where employees switch between different schedules periodically. In essence, it serves as an umbrella term for flexible scheduling arrangements, while rotating shifts specifically involve alternating between different hours or shifts throughout the workweek.

How Does Swing Shift Benefit Your Business?

Enhances productivity and boosts revenue: Augmenting your workforce during evening or early morning hours can amplify production or sales, leading to increased output and revenue.

Reduces overtime and labor expenses: Introducing an extra shift into your schedule can minimize unexpected overtime costs, as you won’t have to pay premium rates for additional hours. This adjustment ensures more predictable labor expenses and enhances cash flow management, even if there are added costs associated with the swing shift.

Improves customer service: Extending operating hours with a swing shift or prolonged business hours can heighten your availability to serve customers and assist clients. This increased accessibility contributes to enhanced customer retention and satisfaction levels.


The demands of a 24/7 economy are ever-present in field services businesses and swing shifts have emerged as a cornerstone of operational strategy. As businesses strive to expand their operations and meet the dynamic needs of customers round-the-clock, 9-5 schedules may not suffice anymore. 

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However, navigating the complexities of swing shift scheduling can pose significant challenges. This is where an employee job scheduling software steps in as a game-changer.

By leveraging a job scheduling software in tandem with the implementation of swing shifts, field service businesses can effectively optimize their workforce management. 

The intuitive interfaces and automated features of scheduling software simplify the process of visualizing, assigning, and adjusting swing shifts, eliminating manual errors. 

Further, with real-time and automatic tracking capabilities and data-driven analytics, businesses gain valuable insights into employee performance and resource utilization, enabling informed decision-making to maximize efficiency.

The adoption of swing shifts facilitated by employee scheduling and advanced time tracking has massive long term returns for the business. By ensuring round-the-clock coverage and responsiveness to customer needs, businesses can enhance their competitive edge and capitalize on opportunities in a 24/7 economy.

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