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4 Benefits of Payroll Integration with EVV

3 min read

Homecare agencies face a number of unique challenges, including fraud claims, care coordination, scheduling and meeting state compliance requirements. Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) can help to address these challenges and even streamline internal functioning by integrating with your payroll software, all while meeting compliance requirements.

However, EVV can also add to the administrative burden for home care agencies. So, it becomes imperative to choose an integrated EVV software that can automate operations and integrate with Payroll. Through this integration, homecare agencies can streamline their entire workflow and improve efficiency.

Managing a homecare agency involves various tasks, from financial management and employee coordination to timesheets, paperwork, and accounting. When handling many manual and time consuming tasks, it’s easy to miss important details. This is where an integrated EVV and payroll system can bring efficiency.

By seamlessly connecting EVV data with payroll software, manual reconciliations become a thing of the past. Complex pay codes that used to cause headaches are now easily managed with automated solutions like allGeo.

Further, integration offers a chance to stand out. In an industry where keeping caregivers happy and delivering top-notch service matters, having a solid tech foundation means better care and more efficient workforce management.

An immediate advantage is the accurate monitoring of visit times, service records, GPS locations, and instant billing, making EVV compliance effortless. This reduces billing errors, and ensures accurate payments.

And it’s not just about better operations. Integrating EVV and payroll software gives agencies a competitive edge in healthcare. By utilizing precise data and perceptive analytics, these organizations can identify patterns, discover opportunities for enhancement, and continuously strive for improvement.

In this blog, we’ll explore the advantages of integrating EVV and payroll systems for home care agencies. 

Benefits of EVV-Payroll Software Integration

  1. Eliminating Manual Work and Reducing Errors
    Traditionally, homecare agencies have relied on manual processes for visit verification and payroll management. This laborious approach not only consumes valuable time but also increases the risk of errors, leading to inaccuracies in both billing and payroll.With the integration of EVV and payroll software, agencies can let go of manual data entry and embrace automated systems that accurately record caregiver visits and hours worked. This is done using geotagged text messages or IVR phone calls to record visits, time, and attendance. This automated process drastically reduces the chance of errors, ensuring that caregivers are properly compensated and billed amounts are precise.
  2. Real-Time Data for Enhanced Decision-Making
    Integration of EVV-payroll software empowers homecare agencies with real-time data and analytics. Caregiver visit details, patient interactions, and billing information are instantly available, providing agencies with comprehensive insights into their field operations. Once a caregiver exits the patient’s home, the visit automatically updates within the system, inclusive of the visit’s date with start and end time. The visit is then marked as complete, resulting in the automation of readiness for billing and payroll. Visits that do not occur as planned may immediately be flagged for manual review .Armed with this valuable data, agencies can make informed decisions promptly, adjust schedules, allocate resources, and address potential issues in real-time. This level of agility results in improved efficiency and more effective patient care.
  3. Optimal Resource Management
    Agencies gain a holistic view of their resources using an EVV payroll software integration. They can efficiently manage caregiver schedules, track availability, and ensure adequate staffing for each patient’s needs all while recording the work hours. You will also be able to account for and compensate for extra shifts undertaken and hours worked. In the long run, these features will translate into longer retention of caregivers and administrative employees. This optimization of resources not only improves the overall efficiency of the agency but also fosters a better work-life balance for caregivers, leading to higher job satisfaction.
  4. One source of data
    Homecare agencies benefit from having one reliable source of data for all relevant functions by integrating the EVV and payroll software. The integration ensures that information is updated in real-time across all departments, eliminating delays and preventing conflicting information. EVV Integration guarantees that the data utilized for billing purposes is seamlessly transmitted to the EVV data aggregator, whether it’s a third-party contractor like HHA exchange, First Data, LaSRS, Sandata, or Tellus, or a state system such as eMedNY or eXPRS. It ensures accuracy, streamlining the process and eliminating data discrepancies.
See also  What Are New York EVV Requirements?


The right time to adopt an integrated EVV system is now. Making an informed decision about the integrations will result in a more efficient and streamlined payroll process for your organization.

Before committing to payroll software, it is essential to check the integrations it offers. Some payroll software companies may provide time and attendance, HR, and accounting software all accessible through a single login. Others may integrate with external programs or software from other companies.

To ensure a seamless experience, take advantage of any free trials offered and assess the usability of the integrations. If the software is easy to learn, it will likely be simple to teach your employees how to use it effectively. 

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