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Louisiana EVV Requirements: What do they Mean for Healthcare Providers?

3 min read

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) has become a critical component of healthcare practices, spurred by the 21st Century Cures Act passed in 2016. One key aspect of this legislation mandates that all Medicaid personal and home health care providers adopt EVV systems by January 1, 2019, to accurately document and verify service details. 

Failure to meet this deadline could lead to reduced federal medical assistance for providers. The federal EVV mandate outlines essential details that must be electronically verified, including the type of service, member receiving care, date and location of service, care provider details, and service duration.

While the federal mandate establishes the framework for EVV implementation, individual states, including Louisiana, have also introduced their own set of EVV requirements. In Louisiana, the Department of Health defines EVV as a “computer-based system that electronically verifies service visit occurrences and documents the precise time services begin and end via smart devices.”

Notably, Louisiana has been employing EVV successfully for various services since 2016. The state’s journey towards EVV implementation aligns with the 21st Century Cures Act, with varying deadlines for different regions ranging from November 13, 2017, to February 19, 2018.

Providers offering Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) are significantly impacted by these requirements. This includes services such as Day Habilitation, Prevocational Services, Center-Based Respite services, and all OCDD Supported Employment Services.

Here’s what Louisiana’s EVV requirements mean for your healthcare business:

  1. Implementation Deadlines Vary by Region: Your specific EVV implementation deadline corresponds to the region within the state where your services are offered. It’s crucial to be aware of these dates to ensure compliance.
  2. State Coverage for Costs: The state will cover expenses related to EVV system development, implementation, and training, along with ongoing transaction costs. This means providers will incur minimal personal costs during the initial stages.
  3. Smart Device Provision: While the state won’t provide smart devices, the Louisiana Department of Health recommends utilizing smart devices with internet access, often cost-neutral or cost-saving. Employees can even use their personal phones to access certain EVV solutions.
  4. Provider Flexibility in Choosing EVV Provider: Providers can choose their preferred EVV solution provider, provided they adhere to technical requirements. However, the designated EVV solution is the SRI system. Alternative EVV vendors must undergo LaSRS data integration before the implementation deadline.

Updated EVV Requirements in Louisiana: Navigating the Changes

Clear communication and adherence to regulations are paramount in the realm of Electronic Visit Verification (EVV). The Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) has recently implemented new policies and procedures that healthcare providers in Louisiana must strictly follow. It is crucial that these regulations are adhered to without fail, ensuring compliance with all requirements.

These changes have been introduced to provide enhanced clarity and incorporate new requirements, ensuring a seamless transition into the world of EVV. Here’s a breakdown of the key updates and their implications:

  1. EVV Policy and Procedures:
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– The inclusion of Behavioral Health Personal Care Services demonstrates the expanding scope of EVV usage.

– The introduction of a 90-day rolling lookback period enhances reporting accuracy and ensures a comprehensive overview of service utilization.

– Clearer documentation requirements for EVV manual and edited entries streamline the process and enhance accountability.

  1. Attestation for Providers Utilizing Their Own EVV System Form:

– Services not submitted within daily submittal requirements will now count against the compliance threshold, potentially affecting the release of services for payment.

– A requirement for manually edited records to capture the IP address of the origin of edits adds an extra layer of traceability.

  1. Data Integration Process for a Third-Party Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Vendor Document:

– The document now provides a comprehensive explanation of Louisiana’s Open EVV System, shedding light on the state’s approach to EVV implementation.

– A defined list of services that can be captured via a third-party EVV system clarifies the scope of external involvement.

– Initial test file requirements emphasize the importance of adherence to Data Bridge Elements for comprehensive testing.

– A dual-program clarification addresses instances where a client/participant is involved in two programs simultaneously.

– Further clarity on services and elements required in the initial test file ensures accurate testing procedures.

– A notice regarding the submission timeline for initial test files serves as a reminder for timely compliance.

– LDH’s prerogative to request parallel testing adds flexibility while ensuring robust testing processes.

For comprehensive information on Louisiana’s EVV requirements and implementation processes, visit the official Louisiana Department of Health website at You can also seek clarification by emailing or reaching out to the department at 225-342-9500.

Navigating EVV requirements can be complex, but staying informed and aligning with state regulations ensures that your healthcare business remains compliant and can continue to provide quality care to those who rely on your services.

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